English Drama Group Salzburg
...is spot-on
English Drama Group Salzburg
...is movement
English Drama Group Salzburg
...is passion

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See what the Drama Group has been up to in the past 50-odd years!


Workshops will be starting up again!

The time has come to meet again. The English Drama Group will have its first meeting on Tuesday 6th October 2020 in Room 1.003 at the Unipark Nonntal at 19.15 (first floor). Only 15 persons in the room allowed. So be there or be square. Please wear a mask.

Stone Steps from stone theater

The New Season has begun!

Our new workshop has started at the University of Salzburg on the  8th of October 2019. Meetings are twice a week (on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 18.30). The workshop will end with an end of term performance in January tentatively called “Shorts”.

Romantic Fools 2019 ©iStock_Annette Rollny_shrunk

2019 – “Romantic Fools” by Rich Orloff

SynopsisAndrew and Lori are two normal people who have finally found each other. Their journey towards a stable relationship and eventually marriage has been fraught with many misadventures.In a series of scenes, in which their roles are played by different actors, we follow their ups and downs and get to see the hazards of modern-day […]